Monday, September 3, 2007

If you think you've seen us around Ithaca in the today, you're not mistaken. And yes, we have changed our tour dates. We'll be kicking off our tour on Saturday at Hollins University in Roanoke, VA. But before we go, stop by Juna's for our openning on Friday evening from 5-7. Check out images from the lake show, aswell as original sculptures by us and get yourself on our postcard list.

1 comment:

Ron Cohn said...

Emilie, Emilie, Emilie,
Or should I say Brother Barn Stormer,

I wish you and your fellow traveler/performer all the best in your adventure.

I can't wait to check in to the blog and find out how it's going.

I am confident your show will receive critical acclaim -- at a minimum you should be the travelers with the cleanest cloths around!

Have a great trip.

(And yes, I am your 2nd cousin once removed:-)